Issue Position: Protecting The Vulnerable

Issue Position

No one grows up wanting to be poor.

About half of those fed by Food Stamps are children: many other "safety net" programs (such as W.I.C. and Head Start) target kids. Help to the youngest Americans is an investment in their future (and ours).

About half of those fed by Food Stamps are children: many other "safety net" programs (such as W.I.C. and Head Start) target kids. Help to the youngest Americans is an investment in their future (and ours).

Only the federal government has the size and resources to maintain the safety net uniformly across the nation.

Remember that the funds spent on benefits quickly cycle through the economy, supporting jobs in the community. Struggling families do not invest in hedge funds, they buy food, rent homes and pay basic bills.

Slashing benefit programs may slightly trim government spending but it shifts many costs to charities - especially community based groups such as food pantries.
